Saturday, 8 April 2017

A whole heap of projects in one post!!!

Ok, here goes. I don't get around to posting projects as often as I would like. So, I am going to attempt to put up most of the projects I have done this term. I have a different focus each term and in Term 1, it is usually 'Skills and Processes'. Its a great way to see where kids are - especially my Year 1's and any new students to the school. Projects: - Dragon Eyes: Grade 3/4 - Handprint Peacocks: Grade 3 - Colour Theory Cupcakes: Pre-primary - Pop Art Hearts: Grade 3 - Sunsets and Silhouettes: Grade 4 - Patterned Treefrogs: Grade 3/4 - Diving Whales: Grade 3/4 - Air Dry Clay Penguins and Printed polar bears: Grade 1 - Endeavour Boats: Grade 4 - Underwater Divers: Grade 3

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