Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Layered Clay Projects

I had never done this before, but I will definitely try it out with my students now. The layers are made from adding one rolled out 'slice' of white clay and one of terracotta clay together. You then cut the clay through the middle and add the two halves together (you can repeat this process a few more times until you are happy with the amount of layers it has). Then leave your clay to dry for a little while (we left ours for around half an hour or so).

You then use a craft knife to slice thin layers of your clay.

These layers can be added to a huge range of different projects. They can be laid over a separate piece of clay and then be pressed into it using a rolling pin.
These are just a few ideas that we came up with...

Note: We used the same method for creating and drying our bowls as in the previous workshop and I have posted the photos for this process under the post titled "Clay Bowls'

This was my favourite! We rolled out clay - added long strips of layered clay over the top and then rolled them together with the rolling pin. This was then cut into a rectangle, wrapped around a cardboard tube and joined together (also a circular based was added to the bottom). The layered clay created a tree bark effect, so I added a face and ended up with my new tree-man pencil holder!

 Note: cover cardboard tube with newspaper and don't let it dry for too long or it will be difficult to remove the tube without damaging the clay.

This was a handy way of suspending a curved piece of clay that could then be made into a sushi plate.

and.....a great way to use up any leftover layered clay!


  1. Brilliant!!! I love them all, and especially your tree man!

  2. PS Thanks so much for adding my link!!! It seems to lead to my profile rather than my blog http://paintersofdreams.blogspot.comau :) :)

    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      Glad you liked the new clay ideas. I've updated the link to your new blog :0)
