Monday, 3 December 2012

Christmas Projects

I have to admit to usually being a bit of a grinch when it comes to Christmas projects. I do find some of them unbearably cutesy. But.....I seem to have gotten over it this year...

I loved the simplicity of this and the fact that once you drew the template, it was all materials that most art rooms would have (Christmas images can be hand-drawn or recycled Christmas cards).

 1. Draw template and photocopy onto white card (alternatively, with older students, they could hand draw theirs). Colour the outside.
 2. Choose (or draw) a Christmas image.
 3. Cut out template. Place onto clear contact paper. Cut off excess.
 4. Turn over into a tray of glitter.
 5. Laminate, punch a hole in the top, thread some ribbon and you are done :-)


  1. I know what you mean about Christmas projects and it's worse down our way because so many are Winter related and we are in Summer! You might like my angel project, very child centered.
