Thursday, 6 December 2012

Photo Inspired Collages

I am lucky enough to get an Artist in Residence student from Edith Cowan University each year. This year my student, Mrs Krstic, and I did a fantastic collage project with two of my classes (one Year 6/7 ESL and one Year 5 mainstream).

The students were asked to randomly select a photograph. They then used the picture's most dominant colours to paint a piece of A3 paper. Once the painting is finished, they need to carefully tear it into four separate pieces and rearrange them. After gluing the four sections down, they have to use scrap coloured paper and offcuts to add some interesting lines of colour and texture. Finally, they can choose other elements that match their image such as fabric, leaves, twigs and shells.

I am SO impressed and inspired by the kids creations. It made me want to constantly join in and make one too!!

These are just a sample of the final pieces...

Bob - Year 6-7

Cindy - Year 5

Isaac - Year 5

Linh - Yr 6-7

Marjorie - Yr 6-7

Seda - Yr 6-7

Yuehao - Yr 6-7

And these are some photos of the process we used....


  1. Ooh, I love this one too! And it was fun trying to figure out which paintings matched which photo. I think they weren't too hard to guess.
